has over 20 years of experience in the medical devices industry with sr. management roles in development, marketing, sales and production. Tjeerd is a former CEO of PendraCare BV, a medtech company active in the cardiovascular market. In his role as CEO at PendraCare he has developed and brought to market various cardiovascular products like PTA/PTCA Balloon-, Guiding- and Diagnostic- catheters, and negotiated development-, distribution- and supply agreements.
Tjeerd Homsma, MSc, MBA - Chief Executive Officer
Hans Brom PhD, MD – Chief Medical Officer

is a former President of the College of Surgeons of the Netherlands and a recently retired vascular surgeon from the Kennemer Gasthuis hospital in Haarlem. He therefore has a lifetime’s experience in the treatment of aortic aneurysms using traditional surgery and endovascular techniques.
has been working in the medical device industry for more than 15 years with roles in sales and marketing, education, regulatory affairs and quality assurance.
She has expertise in Medical Device regulations (EU MDR, FDA 21CFR820) and setting up, maintaining and improving a Quality Management System in line with these regulations and standards and more than 10 years experience in regulatory submissions ( FDA 510(k), CE, global regulatory pathways) for various products ranging from low (Class I) to high (Class III) risk class devices.

Florie Daniels, MSc – QA/RA Manager

Laura Langohr, BSc – R&D/Operations Officer
has a bachelor degree in Applied Science and experience in Life & Material Science. She has been working more than 3 years for TripleMed, started as Lab Technician and now working as R&D/ Operational Officer.
She is responsible for the research and development activities and production process at TripleMed