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Hans is a former President of the College of Surgeons of the Netherlands and a recently retired vascular surgeon from the Kennemer Gasthuis hospital in Haarlem. He therefore has a lifetime’s experience in the treatment of aortic aneurysms using traditional surgery and endovascular techniques.


Hans Brom PhD, MD – Chief Medical Officer

Ir. Tjeerd Homsma, MBA - Chief Executive Officer

Tjeerd has over 20 years of experience in de medical devices industry with sr. management roles in development, marketing, sales and production. Tjeerd is a former CEO of Medisse BV – a medtech start up- and PendraCare BV, a medtech company active in the cardiovascular market. In his role as CEO at PendraCare he has developed and brought to market various cardiovascular products like PTA/PTCA Balloon-, Guiding- and Diagnostic- catheters, and negotiated development-, distribution- and supply agreements with Boston Scientific, Cordis, BBraun and Biotronik.

Supervisory Board

Sjaak Deckers MSc- Chairman

is CEO of Microsure since 2020 and previously of GTX Medical and  Sapiens Steering Brain Stimulation, which he  spun out from Philips after being reponsible for Philips HealthCare R&D for over 13 years. He has successfully realized several funding rounds for these companies and an exit for Sapiens to Medtronic. Sjaak holds board positions in several (healthcare) organisations


is Chief of Surgery and Director of the Cardiovascular Center at the University Hospital Maastricht, as well as Professor and Chief of Vascular Surgery at the University Hospital Aachen in Germany.  He is the organizer of an internationally recognized conference, the European Vascular Course, and the author of many books and research papers on vascular surgery.

Professor Michael Jacobs MD, PhD

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is a chartered accountant with long experience in both executive and non-executive board positions.  As well as sitting on the boards of several fast moving consumer goods companies, he is a founder and non-exec director of the cardiac diagnostic company, ACS Biomarker. Marcel is a partner at Park Corporate Finance and he is Chairman of the TripleMed supervisory board. 

Rijnhard van Tets

served as member, and until recently as adviser, of the managing board of ABN AMRO Bank. He is Chairman of the supervisory board of Arcadis and NYSE Euronext N.V.; member of the supervisory board of NYSE Euronext Inc., International Flavors & Fragrances IFF Nederland Holding B.V.; non-executive director of Petrofac Ltd

is Managing Partner at Brightlands Venture Partners, and senior investment manager at Limburg Ventures. Marcel is supervisory board member of several companies, while serving as chairman, advisory committee member or panelmember at European Venture meetings. Prior to his current roles, Marcel was investment manager at DSM Venturing, a major manufacturing company active in nutrition, materials and health (such as biomedical materials and devices)

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Marcel Kloosterman, PhD

served as member, and until recently as adviser, of the managing board of ABN AMRO Bank. He is Chairman of the supervisory board of Arcadis and NYSE Euronext N.V.; member of the supervisory board of NYSE Euronext Inc., International Flavors & Fragrances IFF Nederland Holding B.V.; non-executive director of Petrofac Ltd

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6167RD Geleen

The Netherlands
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