AneuFix - Endoleak Solutions
AneuFix is designed to repair type II endoleaks by filling the endoleak nidus with an in-situ curing polymer. By filling the complete endoleak void including the nidus of the inflow and outflow vessels, the blood flow causing the endoleak is stopped
As the cured AneuFix implant is stable, durable but flexible, the treated endoleak will be resolved durably. If no other leaks are present than the one treated this will result in a stable or shrinking sac diameter over time
AneuFix Procedure
Product Characteristics
AneuFix has a high concentration of tantalum (HD=High Density), in order to detect easily when the void is completely filled and the AneuFix polymer is pressed into the nidus of small lumbar vessels surrounding the aneurysm sac.
AneuFix regains a very high viscosity immediately after being injected into the endoleak void. As a result the injected AneuFix polymer does not get displaced by the blood flow of the endoleak. The polymer stays fluid, so the endoleak void can be filled completely in a controlled way
During injection AneuFix has a low viscosity which means that endoleaks can be treated via a translumbar procedure using a 13G /20cm needle
AneuFix polymer comes in a 10ml double barrel syringe. With an average volume of 18ml to be filled, most type II endoleaks can be treated with one or two syringes
Integrated polymer dispensing system
AneuFix polymer is provided as two components in a side-by-side syringe arrangement.
A static mixer that needs to be connected to the syringe is provided with each syringe, to assure that the 2 components of AneuFix are homogeneous mixed before being injected into the body.
A dedicated re-useable and re-sterilisable dispenser is supplied separately