AneuFix - Prophylactic Sac Filling
AneuFix polymer is used to fill the complete aneurysm sac around an EVAR endograft in the same procedure as the EVAR endograft is placed.
The AneuFix polymer is available in a high radiopacity version for critical area's and a low radiopacity version to fll the complete sac
Filling the sac and fixating the endograft:
· prevents the occurrence of endoleaks
· prevents migration of the endograft, resulting from pulsatile aortic flow
· reduces the incidence of endograft occlusion due to endograft migration.
AneuFix Procedure
Product Characteristics
In Prophylactic Sac Filling the thickness of the implant as seen under x-ray will vary, from <2mm in the proximal neck zone, distal seals in the Iliac vessels and lumbar vessels, to >60mm on the maximum diameter of the aneurysm sac.
Low density AneuFix has the same silicone polymer consistancy as high density AneuFix, only reduced tantalum. Low density AneuFix is used in conjunction with high tantalum density AneuFix to prevent scatter under CT.
For Prophylactic Sac Filling higher volumes of polymer are needed: ranging from 50 to 150ml.
AneuFix 10ml syringes can be exchanged quickly, such that the complete sac can be filled in a short time